Every year the Greater Chicago Food Depository offers a
limited number of scholarships for member agency representatives to attend the
National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference in Washington, DC. To apply next year,
look for the scholarship application that is sent out in December.
will be
featuring three guest bloggers from Food Depository member agencies who
share their experiences at this year’s conference. The third is Emily Jackson, Foundation President of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois.
I was fortunate
enough to receive a scholarship from the Greater Chicago Food Depository which
allowed me to attend the 2012 National Anti Hunger Policy Conference. The facts and energy I gained from my time in
DC surpassed my expectations. Feeding
America, Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), the Food Depository, Representative Jan Schakowsky and so many
others are committed to engaging constituents in their efforts to ensure that
Congress funds TEFAP, SNAP, CSFP and other nutrition benefit programs
through the 2013 Farm Bill. At the conference I discovered that:
- Every $1 spent on SNAP benefits puts $1.76 back into the local economy.
- The average SNAP recipient receives benefits for only 8 – 10 months.
- That 25% of food commodities distributed through local food pantries comes from the USDA through TEFAP.
Knowing this makes it virtually impossible not spread the
word. Join me and tell your local
politicians, friends, and family that while Americans are still vulnerable we
need to provide them with the nutrition needed to bounce back. We can work
together to maintain these crucial benefit programs and strive to end hunger
across the country!